Soul Contracts Class Audio Download
$ 9.00
What Soul Contracts have YOU signed?
Did You Really Agree to Incarnate with these People?
To be present in this world we all agree to Spiritual Contracts –
not just in this life but in each of our past lives.
In this Soul Contracts Class SarahSpiritual addresses…
~ What is a Soul Contract?
~ What have we agreed to in our Soul Contracts?
~ What terms have we fulfilled?
~ The impacts of our past Contracts on our present life.
~ What are Spiritual Archetypes and why are they important?
~ Identifying your particular Archetype energies and using them to help you find out what you are here on earth to learn.
~ Who are the people you are meant to meet? What Karmic agreements do you have with them? Sarah will present the tools to identify each person and situation and their role in your life’s purpose.
Exploring your Soul Contract will shine a light on the purpose and meaning of your life.
Soul Contracts Class Audio Download:
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